Proactive Brief:
Domino's wanted to be known as the official food of gaming.

But gamers are a savvy bunch and aren't easily taken in by 'traditional marketing'.
So Domino's needed something that moved the conversation beyond playing
games and sponsorships.

Domino's Pizza Pi - An open-source games console that allows pizza loving gamers
to develop, build and publish their very own computer games.

We partnered with @MessYourself, a YouTuber with 4M hungry gaming fans, to launch the campaign. 
First we sent him a very special veggie supreme with a Pizza Pi constructed into the box.
Then after his unboxing and impressions, he directed fans to a DIY guide that helped them build
their very own Pizza Pi.

This is just the beginning. 
Over then next 2 years Domino's want to grow a community of creators, coders and innovators. 
By giving them the tools and guides to help gamers create whatever they can dream of,
the Pizza Pi will cement Domino's as the official food of gaming.

Creative Director

Domino's PizzaPi DIY Guide
Homemade DIY Pizza Pi

Homemade DIY Pizza Pi