Meta Raybans
It was only a matter of time.
The Narrative Clip went through the washing machine.
RIP little guy.
More recently I’ve invested in a pair of Meta Ray-Bans.
Far less likely to go round and round in the wash.
The magic factor of this product is off the charts.
Packing in a huge amount of technology into such a thin lightweight body.
And then hiding that tech, so in use, it feels like pure magic.
In much the same idea as the clip on camera, I personally love the idea of natural photography.
Especially in an ever evolving world of AI generated or augmented images.
When you can make your kids smile in post!
In the case of the Meta Ray-Bans, the camera tells the truth.
Caught moments, real moments and memories.
Just the way I like’em.
I'm not your standard photographer.
For me the quality or composition of a photo isn't always as important as the moment your trying to capture.
The second you pull out a camera everyone tenses up and you're left with an awkward copy of the original moment.
Thats why when I take a photo, I won't always tell you - I use a technique called 'Kinnearing' to capture my photos.
Some people think it's a bit weird, while others think it's a bit 'awesome'. I guess I sit somewhere in-between.
All shot using a Narrative Clip.