Change the perception of Audi servicing.
Audi Servicing is expensive.
So most people turn to 'Dave the mechanic' who'll do the job for half the price.
The reason Audi Servicing is expensive is because they are passionate specialists - engineers
that know every bespoke nut and bolt that goes into an Audi. You could say, they know Audi Inside Out.
So I opened up the garage doors and invited our audience to come help us with a challenge.
Re-build a car from scratch... in just 5 hours.
The build was captured through a series of episodic documentary film, 360° VR experience and
long-form articles, bringing to life the people, techniques and technology that go in to servicing your Audi.
The content was followed up with geo-targeted ads, directing Audi owners to their nearest service centre.
Creative Director
Director - Dan Vallint-Riggs